United Gear Works

United Gear Works specializes in gear repairs onsite or in our facility. United Gear Works has lifting capacity to handle any size gear in our workplace. United Gear Works has the expertise to handle any Gear repair.


Crane Wheel Repairs to O.E.M specs
Crane Parts Repair

From Crane block to wheels and even Bridge Drives, We Repair and Rebuild

Crane Wheel Before-Work

Crane Wheel Before-Work

Crane Wheel After Repair

Crane Items Crane block, to wheels and even Bridge Drives

United Gear Works offers a specialized refurbishment/repair of defective or worn-out crane wheels, wheel sets and wheel blocks. We would gladly organize also the collection and delivery service. After cleaning and disassembly in our plant, an expert evaluation is made by our specialized personnel. The customer receives a detailed overview about the new and reusable parts as well as the amount of work required. As a rule, the potential savings at the refurbishment/repair with respect to the price of the new equipment. After the refurbishment/repair, the client receives a product as good as a new one

United Gear Works also have heat treating, flame hardening, and carburizing. No equipment is scrap, we can save it. The reason we stand behind our workmanship is our very advanced process of building-up, re grinding and polishing capabilities.


Our Crane Wheel
Refinishing will keep your crane rolling

United Gear Works specializes in repairing all types of industrial crane equipment. We have the latest state of the art, technology and unique style of rebuilding, repairing, re-grinding and machining on your old and worn out equipment such as all makes and models of crane wheels, track wheels, shaft wheels, train wheels, idler wheels, pulley wheels, trolley wheels, and all type of cable sheaves, drums and rotating equipment.

United Gear Works Crane wheel refurbishment service is well known in the industry. Our fully equipped machine and overlay shop enables us to recover worn crane wheels, removing worn tyres and refurbishing these with GearBox Repair specialist weld overlay refurbishment process. After machining back to the original profile, the crane wheel can be returned to service for a fraction of the cost of a new wheel which might otherwise be scrapped. During the refurbishment process the tyre is re-welded to the original profile, then refitted to the wheel, thus providing a significant enhancement on life.


At United Gear Works

We offers a specialized rebuilding and repair of defective and worn crane wheels – wheel sets – wheel blocks. United Gear Works would gladly free pickup and also deliver all across usa. After cleaning and disassembly at our plant.

List of Crane Wheels that we work on

Broken Flanges repair
Broken Gears repair
Broken Sheaves repair
Chipped Gears repair
Chipped Sheaves repair
Cracked Teeth repair
Flat Spots in Wheels repair
Gear Driven Wheels repair
Worn Out Bores repair
Worn Out Cable Drums repair
Worn Out Flanges repair
Worn Out Gear Boxes repair
Worn Out Gears repair
Worn Out Wheels repair